[mod_python] ANNOUNCE: Mod_python 3.1.0 Alpha

Damjan gdamjan at mail.net.mk
Wed Sep 10 15:55:38 EST 2003

> > This prompts a change in the kernel semaphore settings on older linuxes
> > (redhat 7.3 specifically).
> Well - I think this is really a redhat problem. I believe I even saw
> something reporting it as a security problem - it is very easy for someone
> to deprive an rh box of available semaphores. I wonder what the default is
> on rh 8 and 9 (anyone?).

Well I have Slackware-9+, and the defaults are not changed from the
kernel defaults:
    damjan$ cat /proc/sys/kernel/sem
    250     32000   32      128

I'm using 
    echo "512     32000   32      512" > /proc/sys/kernel/sem
right now.

Damjan Georgievski
jabberID: damjan at bagra.net.mk

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