[mod_python] Database connectivity

francois lepoutre francoislepoutre at compuserve.com
Wed May 14 08:14:39 EST 2003


> So... the script that is referenced in my handler..... if it has an
> _init_ section, will that do the trick ?? and it'll only get run once,
> when the interpreter calls the handler for the first time ???

No _init_  section or objectified kind of code required.
Some plain python stuff will do :)

An example... not tested here. Hope you pick the idea
You just need to dive in now .. Good luck.


#! C:\Python22\python.exe

# mod_python handling
from mod_python import apache,util

# database connectivity
from mx import DateTime,ODBC

# your database connectivity here
# this is mxODBC/ODBC code
# will depend on your midlle ware...

# this code will run rarely..
# a couple of 1/n of seconds upon setup
database_handle = ODBC.iODBC.Connect("my_connectionion","dba","sql",0)
cursor_handle  = database_handle.cursor()
cursor_handle.execute("select * from customers")
my_shared_data = cursor_handle.fetchall()

def handler(req):

    # should be long the first time
    # very fast the next one...
    req.content_type = "text/plain"

    return apache.OK

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