ganapathy murali krishnan
gmurali at
Fri Jan 31 16:37:40 EST 2003
The python library directories are readable and executable by "all". More curiously, I created a as suggested by the mod_python test, and it gave me the same error. I then proceeded to remove the "from mod_python import apache" statement from, figuring that in that sample code, all it wanted was the value "apache.OK". Removing the import statement and replacing "apache.OK" with 0 (its value as read from the actual file), did not help! It still gave me the same error. So it looks as if is trying to import mod_python.apache, and it is triggered every time I try to serve up a .py file. I also confirmed that sys.path has the lib/python-2.3/site-packages (running python from command line). I will try to see if strace can give me some information. - Murali Mongryong wrote: > Have you checked out the FAQ section? > Every newbie runs into this problem. It's most likely because Apache > does not have permission to access python's lib directory. > > Try starting Apache with root access if you can. Check, the "user" > paremeter in httpd.conf. Make sure the "user" is somebody who can > access python's lib directory.