[mod_python] Re: [4suite] 4Suite Reliance on ENVIRONMENT & global variables

Mongryong Mongryong at sympatico.ca
Thu Jan 23 00:09:48 EST 2003

> How does mod_python collect 4xslt's output?

I've used string and streams (stringio) for both input and output.  
ie input -> InputSource.DefaultFactory.fromString & fromStream
ie output -> res = p.run(iSrc..), res = runNode(domNode...), and

The resultant string or stringio.getvalue() is then fed back to
mod_python which then feeds it back to Apache to output.

There's no issues with printing raw strings and streams that haven't been processed by the 4Suite libraries.  

PyXML's PyExpat has no encoding issue. 

The encoding problem isn't a random thing as well - it occurs everytime
mod_python executes the script (with USE_MINIDOM=0).

> -- 
>   Mike J. Brown   |  http://skew.org/~mike/resume/
>   Denver, CO, USA |  http://skew.org/xml/
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