vfranceschetti at virgilio.it
vfranceschetti at virgilio.it
Mon Jan 27 11:08:28 EST 2003
Hi, i have these line in my module: lun = int(req.headers_in["content-length"]) testo = req.read(lun) dummy=string.find(testo,'A') f=open("C:/Programmi/Apache Group/Apache2/py/post.txt","w+") f.write("Test :"+str(lun)+"> "+str(dummy)+"--------------"+str(len(testo))) f.close() and this is the result: Test :41009> -1--------------0 variable length is 0 instead of 41009, and the value is null (string.find always return -1 but the character A is in the Post body. Some suggestions? Thanks Valentino