Carl-Johan Kihlbom
div at
Sun Dec 28 18:52:53 EST 2003
Hi list, I've installed mod_python on my Mac, but can't get it working. When I restart Apache after configuring httpd.conf I get the following error: Syntax error on line 276 of /Library/Apache2/conf/httpd.conf: Cannot load /Library/Apache2/modules/ into server: dyld: /Library/Apache2/bin/httpd Undefined symbols: _PyExc_AttributeError _PyExc_IOError _PyExc_IndexError _PyExc_KeyError _PyExc_RuntimeError _PyExc_StopIteration _PyExc_TypeError _PyExc_ValueError _PyInt_Type _PyList_Type _PyObject_GenericGetAttr _PyObject_GenericSetAttr _PyString_Type _PyType_Type _Py_OptimizeFlag __Py_NoneStruct __Py_NotImplementedStruct I'm using mod_python 3.1.2b on my laptop running Apache 2.0.48 and Mac OS X 10.3.2. In Mac OS X 10.3, Python 2.3 is installed by default, and the library and include files are in /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.3/lib/python2.3/ and /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.3/include/ python2.3/ respectively. I created symlinks to these at /usr/lib/python and /usr/include/python. Any ideas what I did wrong? TIA, Carl-Johan Kihlbom