[mod_python] import site errors, and constant modules (Re)loading

Joshua Schmidlkofer menion at asylumwear.com
Tue Dec 9 13:32:15 EST 2003

On Tue, 2003-12-09 at 13:17, Michael S. Fischer wrote:
> Indeed, when using the publisher handler, you are supposed to return the 
> content.
> I don't understand your code, though.  What is the idea behind its 
> arrangement?
> Normally when I make mod_python.publisher scripts, I do something like:
> <snip>
> _conn = None
> def _getConnection(...):
>     global _conn
>     if not _conn:
>        _conn = ...
>     return _conn
> def index(req, params...):
>     ...
>     conn = _getConnection(...)
>     ...
>     return content
> </snip>

Here is an example, that is producing the problem for me:

import psycopg, os, copy, types

_DSN     = 'dbname=mydb user=myuser host=dbserver'
_conn    = None

def getConnection():
    global _conn
    if not _conn: _conn = psycopg.connect(_DSN)
    return _conn.cursor()

def index(**kwargs):
    cursor = getConnection()

    cursor.execute("select * from bad")

    content = """


    tmp = ""
    for x in cursor.fetchall(): tmp += "%s<br>" % str(x)

    del cursor
    return content % tmp

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