[mod_python] Re: publisher handler and form data

Russell Yanofsky rey4 at columbia.edu
Sun Aug 10 19:02:13 EST 2003

Greenbeard wrote:
> I am having trouble getting some info from the
> req.form variable.
> I have a form with <input> tags like
> <input type="text" name="ID" value="" size="40"
> maxlength="255">
> now I can get the field name and the value easily
> using something like :
>     for field in form.keys():
>             value = form.__getitem__(field)
> etc
> but I can not seem to get the type or size or any
> other input tag variables. To me it looks like this is
> not supported by mod_python or am I just not going
> about it correctly?

You can't read those values with mod_python (or anything else that runs at
the server) because the browser does not send them. The only thing the
browser sends to the server is a list of (name, value) pairs

- Russ

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