[mod_python] "Not Found" message with Publisher example

Rich Pinder rpinder at usc.edu
Sat Sep 14 21:15:11 EST 2002

I'm still stumped with getting the SIMPLE example code on page 13 of the manual working.
(HAD simple example 1 from page 10 working, so I'm sure all the stuff is in correct location)
(Windows install. Python 2.2.1   mod_python.dll v 2.7.6   apache 1.2.26)

Edited the apache conf file, inside the  <IfModule mod_alias.c>

     <Directory "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache/htdocs/python">
	AddHandler python-program .py
	PythonHandler mod_python.publisher
	PythonDebug on

Test html form has:

   <form action="form/email" method="POST">

Created form.py (when i try to call it form the interpreter, I get no python indenting/parsing errors). 
form.py is in the directory pointed to in the apache .conf file.  (...../htdocs/python).  And, as its copied 
from the example, inside the  form.py  is a method defined as   email.  So form action makes sense to me.

But when trying to post, still get error :  The requested URL /form/email was not found on this server.

Am I missing something here?  Almost like the publisher is not being accessed ? There are no ancilliry files 
for the publisher that need to be installed either under the apache tree (other than the .dll), or under the 
python tree ??

I'm SURE its something trivial I've missed here - I am very new to this all.

Thanks for any thoughts you might have.


[Alain's idea, which i hoped was the clue, turned out not to be the problem]:

 >........  Edited the  .conf  file, created a new python script   mail.py, made
 >> a html form - but still get:
 >> The requested URL /form/email was not found on this server.
 > "mail" != "email"        [i'd mistakingly said in prior paragraph the script was called mail.py...]
 > was/is called form.py    [ but it was/is called form.py.  and besides, email is defined as a method ]
 > Alain,

Rich Pinder wrote:
 > Got the easy example workin fine from the Manual (3.2 section), but got hung up with the example that
 > discusses how the Publisher works.  Edited the  .conf  file, created a new python script   form.py,  made
 > an html form - but still get:
 > The requested URL /form/email was not found on this server.
 > I'm sure its a simple one - thanks for any thoughts !
 > Rich Pinder USC School of Medicine

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