Alexander Steinert
stony8 at
Sat May 18 15:46:33 EST 2002
> Well, I'm not sure how closely my experiences mirror those of other > mod_python developers, but I can try to give you some insight. (I spent > about two years writing almost exclusively in PHP, and am now adjusting > to mod_python) [Very nice description of an request handling example snipped ...] I do it in a similar fashion: Tail of /etc/apache/access.conf: # ddd is our BASE directory. <Directory /var/www/ddd> RewriteEngine On # Redirect requests for BASE/ externally to the german start page. RewriteRule "^$" /ddd/de [L,R] </Directory> # Identify requests for dynamic wdps content by URL pattern. Examples: # http://host/ddd/de # http://host/ddd/en # http://host/ddd/de/ACTION # http://host/ddd/de-SESSIONID/ACTION <LocationMatch ^/ddd/[a-z]{2}($|(-[0-9a-f]{40})?/)> PythonPath "sys.path + ['/usr/local/lib/wdps/python']" SetHandler python-program PythonHandler wdps.ui.web.handlers PythonDebug On </LocationMatch> ACTION can be: cancel_order change_constants change_document_types change_groups change_languages change_person change_study_programs delete_person enter_payment enter_pickup help quit_session register_person search_person show_changes show_document_types show_languages show_order_items show_orders show_overview show_person show_postings show_startpage show_study_programs start_session ... For each ACTION I have a class, e.g. Start_session, which is a subclass of Action, where common behaviour (session_id checking, argument type checking) is defined. Originally I started with the Publisher handler, but now am very satisfied with my OO approach. I might publish my code (it's not ready) if you want more information. HTH Stony