[mod_python] Several Python Installations

Andre Reitz reitz at inworks.de
Mon Mar 11 19:26:28 EST 2002

I have two python installations on a single machine:

    /usr/bin/python2.1 (with threads, SuSE rpm installation)


    /opt/inworks/bin/python2.1   (no threads for mod_python)

Anything compiled good.

mod_python - libs are only installed in

Anything works fine.

BUT: if there is a symbolic link:
  /usr/bin/python -> /usr/bin/python2.1
then mod_python tries to import mod_python.apache from
/usr/lib/python2.1/site-packages and fails.

if I delete  the symbolic link /usr/bin/python and
restart apache anything is good again.

WHY DOES IT BEHAVE LIKE THIS? is it a problem of libpython???

Thank you very much in advance.

inworks GmbH            Andre Reitz
Magirusstrasse 44       Tel. 0731/93 80 7-21
89077 Ulm               http://www.inworks.de

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