[mod_python] mod_python.publisher+404 not found+sorry i know im a newbie...

gionuein at autistici.org gionuein at autistici.org
Thu Jun 20 13:27:46 EST 2002

hi guys-

it seems i have a problem ;))
basically, i compiled the sources and read docs
to make it works - i made basic changes to http.conf
and mod_python worked fine -
now id like to make something more complicated and im
lookin at mod_python.publisher - i follow the docs
and i change http.conf this way:

AddHandler python-program .py
PythonHandler mod_python.publisher

but when i try to get myfile.py - a '404 not found'
happens and im sure the file is in the right dir

someone can help me to understand what's going on?

red hat 7.2 /*/ 2.4.7 kernel

i surfed archives but i didn't find something
that satisfied me -
im quite a newbie on python stuff
im moving from a couple of years of php

thanks a lot


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