[mod_python] new to mod_python, with a question.

Bill Anderson bill at immosys.com
Tue Jul 16 17:41:41 EST 2002

On Tue, 2002-07-16 at 14:38, Jeff Davis wrote:
> Is is possible that you're using the publisher handler? The publisher handler 

Yes, I am ...

> basically does a req.write() on whatever is returned by your function. So, it 
> looks like it's printing the actual text of apache.OK after all of your 
> req.write()s. Look in your apache config for possible use of 

Ah, I see. Ok. So now that I know why...

How can I have a funtion that writes all the HTML, and still use
mod_python's cookie functions? can I use them, even though I return
html, instead of the req.writes() and return apache.OK combo?

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