[mod_python] Re: HTTP compression.

Jørgen Frøjk Kjærsgaard jfk at informaticon.dk
Mon Jan 14 09:36:15 EST 2002

Mandag 14. Januar 2002 00:05 skrev du:
> Greetings all,
> If anyone is interested, I've put together a page about compressing
> content over HTTP with gzip, to minimise bandwidth usage. You can read
> the page at
> http://www.iol.ie/~alank/python/httpcomp.html
> There is some sample mod_python code on the page.

An alternative to this scheme is to use mod_gzip 
(http://www.remotecommunications.com/apache/mod_gzip/). This module is 
capable of compressing any HTTP data, static as well as dynamically 
generated. I use it successfully e.g. on the mod_python based site 
www.get2stamps.com. The gzip compression reduces the transfer time for tables 
with much similar data by more than 80%!

regards, Jørgen

Jørgen Frøjk Kjærsgaard, Systemkonsulent (Systems Consultant)
Informaticon ApS * Web: www.informaticon.dk * Tlf: +45 8672 0093
Internetkataloger * Dataindsamling * Specialudvikling * Systemarbejde

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