Heikki Halonen
heha at iki.fi
Tue Dec 3 16:13:00 EST 2002
Hi I'm having hard time trying to make 4Suite tools co-operate with mod_python (or vice versa). I'm using Python 2.2.2, Apache 2.0.43, mod_python 3.0.1 and newest 4Suite development version. My system is Debian unstable. python2.2-xml package is not installed. The test program is in the end of this mail, the xml files used can be found at http://www.heha.iki.fi/~heha/poll_dev/quiz2html.xsl and http://www.heha.iki.fi/~heha/poll_dev/polls/quiz_1.xml. Test program works perfectly when run from the command line. When requested by mod_python, however, it 'obfuscates' the XML document. Characters used in marking print out fine but everything else is some random binary data. I figured out that it probably has something to do with encoding and added the following lines to sitecustomize.py, as somebody advised in some distantly similar problem: u'hello'.encode( 'UTF-8' ) u'hello'.encode( 'iso8859-1' ) This did not help, whatsoever. I have no clue anymore where the problem could be or how it could be corrected. Any suggestions? The same kind of code works fine in mod_python 2.7.8 running in Apache 1.3.26 with Python 2.1 and 4Suite version 0.11.1. #!/usr/bin/python2.2 import sys, os, string from Ft.Lib import Uri from Ft.Xml.Xslt import XmlWriter, Processor, OutputParameters from Ft.Xml import Domlette, InputSource def processXML(): mypath = '/home/heha/public_html/poll_dev/' pollfile = mypath+'polls/quiz_1.xml' pollxsl = mypath+'quiz2html.xsl' debugfile = open( mypath+'poll.log', 'w' ) processor = Processor.Processor() node = Domlette.NonvalidatingReader.parseUri( pollfile ) Domlette.Print( node, debugfile, encoding='iso8859-1' ) stylesheet = InputSource.DefaultFactory.fromUri( pollxsl ) processor.appendStylesheet( stylesheet ) processed_node = processor.runNode( node, Uri.OsPathToUri( pollfile, 1) ) debugfile.write( processed_node ) debugfile.close() return processed_node #print writer.getResult() if __name__ == "__main__": print processXML() else: from mod_python import apache def handler( req ): req.write( processXML() ) return apache.OK Heikki Halonen # heha at iki.fi # iki.fi/heha # +358 40 828 9972 "The easy way ain't hard enough and the hard way is such a lonely lonely path"