Wartan Hachaturow
wart at softhome.net
Sat Apr 27 13:50:01 EST 2002
Hello. I am trying to get an authentificated user's username from inside a python code. Here's the code: __auth_realm__ = "Authorization" __access__ = 1 def __auth__(req, user, passwd): if user == "foo" and passwd == "bar": return 1 else: return 0 def stats(req): req.get_basic_auth_pw() return "<html><body>" + str(req.connection.user) + "</body></html>" What I get is a "None", i.e. req.connection.user is None. What could be the problem? P.S. libapache-mod-python 2:2.7.6-1, python 2.1, apache 1.3.24 -- Regards, Wartan.