harm at millionmonkeys.nl
harm at millionmonkeys.nl
Mon Sep 24 23:16:30 EST 2001
Moi, I`m making an little scale-this-image-on-the-fly handler. Works like requesting /magicimages/chicken.gif?width=200&height=255 and you will get an nicely scaled image. Piece of cake of course and uses a filecache to make things nice and speedy. Now I would like to use the If-Modified-Since header, so I can return the 304 "Not modified" code. Makes requests go faster for everybody (No unnecesary downloads). Is there any module out there to parse the date from this header in something easier to work with? Example date: Tue, 1 Jul 2002 11:11:11 GMT Thanks, Harmen Ps: The handler needs to scale the usual web-images: gif, jpg and png. I am currently using Pythonwares Image (PIM) library. Any better (smaller / simpler / more mod_python friendly) suggestions? -- The Moon is Waxing Gibbous (55% of Full)