Jurgielewicz, Mariusz
Mariusz_Jurgielewicz at NAI.com
Tue Oct 23 21:50:44 EST 2001
Apache cannot start after installing mod-python under Windows NT. Windows: NT 4.0 SP6a Apache: 1.3.22 Python: 2.1.1 mod_python: mod_python.dll from python2.1-apache1.3.20.zip, python\lib\mod_python from mod_python-2.7.4.tgz Error: Could not start the Apache on \\machinename Error 2140: An internal Windows NT error occurred. I think I did what was described in http://www.modpython.org/live/mod_python-2.7.6/doc-html/app-wininst.html With one exception, here is no mod_python-x\lib\mod_python directory instead I got mod_python-x\lib\python\mod_python. I assumed that simply mod_python should be in \python\lib.