[mod_python] Problems re-using a child's python interpreter

Diedrich Vorberg diedrich at tux4web.de
Thu Oct 4 01:43:53 EST 2001

>is PythonInterpPerDirectory On the thing that causes it?
Doubtful. By default mod_python creaes a new sub-interpreter per
virtual server. Since I'm using my computer at home right now to try
things out that would always (for both projects) be 'localhost'. Using
this directive causes mod_python to create a new interpreter for each
directory (project) so I can use the same identifyers without name-clashes.

I tried it that way, too. Also using

   PythonInterpPerDirective On

had have no effect.

Using none of the obove causes one of web-sites to appear in the
layout of the other, because the 'look' depends on a page.py in each
project's directory.


Uhh... I see I didn't have to explain how mod_python works to
*you*... :-)
           _..._                            Diedrich Vorberg
         .'     '.
        /  _   _  \                         http://www.tux4web.de
        | (o)_(o) |                         info at tux4web.de
         \(     ) /            .---.
         //'._.'\ \           /     \       Internet Dienstleistungen
        //   .   \ \          \. at -@./       und 'Consulting'.
       ||   .     \ \         /`\_/`\
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