[mod_python] Still no success...

Bohms, Michel M.Bohms at bouw.tno.nl
Tue Nov 27 09:41:47 EST 2001

Thanks for some of your suggestions. I checked security but system has full
control at modules and the specific .dll.

This is the file that is giving me headeaches:


As in the manual I included both parts (LoadModule & <Directory>)

But when restarting Apache http server I stiil get:

"Invalid command PythonHandler, ...mispelled or module not in server

Thanks very much for any ideas (must be a simple and/or stupid mistake I
guess :)).

Michel Bohms
IST eConstruct

ps versions used:
Apache 1.3.22 (is this causing the problem ? should I stick to 1.3.20 ???)
Python 2.1.1
modpython 2.7.2 (python2.1-apache1.3.20)

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