[mod_python] multi-line headers in multipart/form-data

T. Muddletin x at Vex.Net
Mon Nov 19 22:17:40 EST 2001

I found that some http clients (Opera on windows, specifically in my
tests) use multi-line headers in some mime-parts... the same way email
clients do (with whitespace leading the continued lines). mod_python's
util.py appears to not support this.

Here's my quick patch to hack around the problem for me, if anyone
else is using multipart/form-data forms.

Or maybe someone has a better hack...

*** util.org.py Fri Nov 16 19:42:00 2001
--- util.py     Mon Nov 19 01:18:30 2001
*** 160,166 ****
--- 160,173 ----
                      disp, disp_options = None, {}
                      headers = apache.make_table()
                      line = _req.readline()
+                     lines = []
                      while line and line not in ["\n", "\r\n"]:
+                         if line[0] not in string.whitespace:
+                             lines.append(line)
+                         else:
+                             lines[-1] = lines[-1] + line
+                         line = _req.readline()
+                     for line in lines:
                          h, v = string.split(line, ":", 1)
                          headers.add(h, v)
                          h = string.lower(h)
*** 168,174 ****
                              disp, disp_options = parse_header(v)
                          elif h == "content-type":
                              ctype, type_options = parse_header(v)
-                         line = _req.readline()
                      if disp_options.has_key("name"):
                          name = disp_options["name"]
--- 175,180 ----

Tim Middleton | Cain Gang Ltd | There are a thousand hacking at the branches
x at veX.net     | www.Vex.Net   | of evil [but who] at the root. --Thoreau (W)

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