[mod_python] PythonImport failure

Gregory (Grisha) Trubetskoy grisha at verio.net
Thu Mar 15 11:26:25 EST 2001

Chris -

Have you tried

>>> import mypackage.mymodule

from an interactive Python session?

Also, regarding PythonPath - if you read documentation carefully, you'll
notice that it says that no other directives have any effect at the time
PythonImport is executed.

Generally, you should not use PythonImport unless you *really* need it,
which is almost never the case.


On Thu, 15 Mar 2001, Chris Hagner wrote:

> Greetings,
> I'm trying to get the PythonImport command to work.  Been through the
> documentation, but it appears to want more than simply inserting
>    PythonImport mypackage.mymodule
> within my Directory tags in httd.conf.
> While mypackage.mymodule is under the standard python lib directory
> (therefore should be found through the sys.path), the system spat out the
> following...
>     ...[error] directive_PythonImport: error importing mypackage.mymodule
> I then moved the module to a different directory and appended that directory
> to the sys.path using the PythonPath command (just to see if that allowed it
> to find the module).  No luck.
> I've found a handful of posts from June and August of last year, but no
> posted solutions to getting the PythonImport command to work correctly.  Of
> course, there's a CVS commit with the comment "PythonImport works now" so
> I'm pretty sure it's me...
> As a random test, I tried a standard module...
>    PythonImport sys
> which appeared to work (no error msg), but I'm not really confident that
> this was a meaningful test.
> Thanks in advance.
> Chris
> chagner _at_ fool _dot_ com
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