[mod_python] Configuration problems

Michal Izydorski M.Izydorski at rubikon.pl
Wed Jul 4 16:15:51 EST 2001


I have configuration problems with Apache 1.3.20 under W2k

The error is:

> Syntax error on line 211 of c:/program files/apache group/apache/conf/httpd.conf
> :
> Cannot load c:/program files/apache group/apche/modules/mod_python.dll into serv
> er: (126) Nie moŹna odnalečŠ okrelonego modu-u:

I don't know, why marked part is in my w2k local language, it means No
such modules.

I load other modules, esp. PHP, and there isn't problem, the same dir,
proprietary LoadModule Directives, bup Python don't work.

Please help and send answer to my email too.

 Michal                          mailto:M.Izydorski at rubikon.pl

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