[mod_python] Inline python on Apache

Paul Goodyear paul at gudge.demon.co.uk
Tue Aug 21 14:19:54 EST 2001

I have been trying to get the mod_python.dll working but have given up.

I have tryind the following

LoadModule python_module modules/mod_python.dll

in the httpd.conf and also tried the line

AddType application/x-httpd-py .py

but am not sure this was correct.

The .py file refused to work, all I get is the "Internal Server Error"

So I have set it up as CGI and HAVE to put the #!/Python21/python at the top of every .py file.

I have been using PHP for over a year and Python as well on ISS 5 but since i've moved to Apache I can't get the Python module working.

Can anyone shed some light.

Windows 2000 Server (SP2)
Apache 1.3.20
PHP 4.0.6
Python 2.1.1


paul goodyear
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