Jørgen Frøjk Kjærsgaard
jfk at informaticon.dk
Tue Aug 21 09:45:04 EST 2001
Hi, I'm having problems using a Postgres 7.1 database under FreeBSD 4.3 from Python 2.1.1/mod_python. I have tried using PyGreSQL. In the lastest port version, PyGreSQL simply crashes Python when I import it. Then I tried downgrading to Python 2.1. PyGreSQL now works from Python without mod_python, but in mod_python, it crashes when it is imported! Any ideas? PyGreSQL seems to be unstable. It may be better to use another interface but it seems like the alternatives require threading, which doesn't wotk with mod_python. Regards, Jørgen Frøjk Kjærsgaard, Systemkonsulent (Systems Consultant) Informaticon ApS * Web: www.informaticon.dk * Tlf: +45 8672 0093 Internet programmering * Systemudvikling på Linux, FreeBSD og PalmOS