Cary O'Brien
cobrien at Radix.Net
Sun May 28 10:29:51 EST 2000
Hi, Glad to hear about mod_python, it is almost exactly what I am looking for. I've used mod_perl/embperl and mod_dtcl, but I really wanted to try using python. I'm going to try to fire it up over the long weekend. I've got a couple of questions (of course). 1) How are people handling persistant database connections? Ideally (for me) there would be a single db connection for each apache process. That minimizes connection setup time (non-trivial for PostgreSQL at least), lets me control the number of database connections (apache max-servers), and lets me control their lifetimes (i.e. serve 10,000 requests then exit), and restarts them if they die. Nice eh? My question is how do I setup a shared database connection used by each handler? It seems from the documentation that each request gets its own subinterpreter. I'd like them all to be handled by the same sub-interpreter. Or, in reality, just share the same db connection. The python doc for Py_NewInterpreter() says the new interpreter has separate, independent versions of all imported modules, So what happens to class variables. Can I connect to the database there? 2) Re Zope. There seems to be a ZPublisher interface. Does this mean I can run 30 apache processes against the same Zope database? How fine/course is the locking on the zope database? I asked this on the zope list a while back and didn't get a good answer. 3) Does anyone have the bits to embed python calls in an html document a-la embperl/php/mod_dtcl? I know mixing logic with presentation is in general a bad idea, but having embedded code in documents is a fast way to get things up and running. -- cary Cary O'Brien cobrien at