AW: AW: [mod_python] undefined symbol: stat solved!

Gregory Trubetskoy grisha at
Tue Jul 25 08:48:03 EST 2000

On Tue, 25 Jul 2000, Denys Bogatz wrote:

> I solved the problem by linking /usr/lib/modules/2.2.10/libc.a within
> mod_python...
> (I found "stat.o" inside this library, extracted that and got some
> other undefined symbols - so I decided to link the whole libc.a) But
> now my is somewhat over 300k in size - is this too much?

to make it smaller, you can try something like:

ar x /usr/lib/modules/2.2.10/libc.a stat.o

then add stat.o as an argument to your apxs command.

> Another problem: My IExplorer downloads for some reasons...
> (I got it working for some time but now the script won't be executed!)

This has nothing to do with explorer. You're missing your set-handler
directive, perhaps AllowOverride isn't FileInfo for that directory.


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