[mod_python] A patch for mod_python-2.4.1

Dr. L.A. Timochouk L.A.Timochouk at ukc.ac.uk
Fri Aug 11 23:00:29 EST 2000

Hello All,

Please find attached a patch for mod_python-2.4.1. It addresses two issues:

(1) The current implementation of "req_read" method seems to contain a bug
    (or a problematic feature?): it may return less bytes than was requested,
    due to a known sockets phenomenon called "short read". Namely, a single
    "read" on a TCP socket returns data ONLY up to the end of the current
    IP packet; several "read"s may be required to get the whole amount
    requested. The current implementation did not guard against that; on the
    contrary, it shrank the output buffer is less-than-expected bytes were
    received. In particular, this may result in incomplete receiving of POSTed
    data (the problem shows up on large submissions only). The proposed
    patch fixes it.

(2) A new Apache directive,

    PythonOptimize On|Off

    is implemented. If set, it allows us to run the interpreter in the
    fully-optimising mode (equivalent to -OO Python command-line argument)
    which may be useful for time-critical applications.

Best regards,

Dr. Leonid Timochouk
Computing Laboratory
University of Kent at Canterbury

--- mod_python.c.orig	Tue Jul  4 18:49:31 2000
+++ mod_python.c	Sun Jul 23 16:39:55 2000
@@ -1277,7 +1277,7 @@
 static PyObject * req_read(requestobject *self, PyObject *args)
-    int len, rc, bytes_read;
+    int len, rc, bytes_read, chunk_len;
     char *buffer;
     PyObject *result;
@@ -1316,13 +1316,18 @@
 	return NULL;
     /* read it in */
+    /* BEWARE of short reads!  */
     buffer = PyString_AS_STRING((PyStringObject *) result);
-    bytes_read = ap_get_client_block(self->request_rec, buffer, len);
-    /* resize if necessary */
-    if (bytes_read < len) 
-	if(_PyString_Resize(&result, bytes_read))
+    bytes_read = 0;
+    while (bytes_read < len)
+    {
+	chunk_len = ap_get_client_block
+		    (self->request_rec, buffer+bytes_read, len-bytes_read);
+	if  (chunk_len == 0)
+	    /* Connection closed -- it's better not to return anything */
 	    return NULL;
+    	bytes_read += chunk_len;
+    }
     return result;
@@ -2087,6 +2092,19 @@
+ ** directive_PythonOptimize
+ **
+ *	This function called whenever PythonOptimize directive
+ *	is encountered.
+ */
+static const char *directive_PythonOptimize(cmd_parms *cmd, void *mconfig,
+					    int val) {
+    if (val)
+	Py_OptimizeFlag = 2; /* Optimize and remove function descr strings */
+    return NULL;
  ** directive_PythonInterpPerDirectory
  *      This function called whenever PythonInterpPerDirectory directive
@@ -2409,6 +2427,14 @@
 	"Send (most) Python error output to the client rather than logfile."
+    },
+    {
+	"PythonOptimize",
+	directive_PythonOptimize,
+	"Set the equivalent of the -O command-line flag on the interpreter."

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