[mod_python] Installation Problems on Macbook Pro x86_64

Graham Dumpleton graham.dumpleton at gmail.com
Tue Apr 15 18:16:04 EDT 2008

2008/4/16 Joe Moore <moore.joseph at gmail.com>:
> Hello,
> I'm attempting to install mod_python on my Macbook pro running 10.5.2 and I
> am so far unsuccessful. I have read the various posts dating from October
> and have compiled mod_python for x86_64. This allowed compilation but Apache
> would die with the with the following error:
> 4/15/08 12:55:18 PM org.apache.httpd[26291] httpd: Syntax error on line 116
> of /private/etc/apache2/httpd.conf: Cannot load
> /usr/libexec/apache2/mod_python.so into server:
> dlopen(/usr/libexec/apache2/mod_python.so, 10): Symbol not found:
> _PyObject_GenericGetAttr\n  Referenced from:
> /usr/libexec/apache2/mod_python.so\n  Expected in: dynamic lookup\n
> I then read a post regarding the two pythons problem
> (/System/Library/Frameworks + /Library/Frameworks) I don't believe I
> installed the second but somehow it's there.
> I removed the python at /Library/Frameworks and recompiled. This seems to
> have worked in the sense that Apache no longer dies but I also can't seem to
> get mod_python working. All python files are served as plaintext.
> The added line to my httpd.conf looks like this:
> LoadModule python_module libexec/apache2/mod_python.so
> and I stuck a .htaccess in a directory in the sites folder under my user
> account that contains:
> AddHandler mod_python .py
> PythonHandler mptest
> PythonDebug On
> and a test file in that same directory:
> from mod_python import apache
> def handler(req):
>         req.content_type = 'text/plain'
>          req.write("hello world!")
>         return apache.OK
> ...Still plaintext
> I appreciate any help. I have spent waaay to many hours trying to get this
> up and running. My disclaimer here is that I'm a bit of an idiot about
> Apache and have just started picking up Python.

Did you find:


Take particular note of whether you have FileInfo override enabled for
the directory you have the .htaccess file in.

Introduce a syntax error into that .htaccess file, ie., add some crap
like 'XXX' and see if Apache gives back a 500 error. If it doesn't the
file isn't even being consulted and FileInfo probably needs to be


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