[mod_python] Concurrence and virtual host interpreter python

Pau Freixes pfreixes at milnou.net
Mon Oct 1 03:08:19 EDT 2007

Hi Jim,

Thanks for your answer, and yes i didn't think with kind of mpm was work
in my apache environment, and of course this it's very important.

I m working with mpm-prefork module, for php and debian restrictions ( I
don't like open a discussion about this :) )

OK first, i test another time my index.py script with ab tool. And the
results are :

Server Software:        Apache/2.2.3
Server Hostname:        pfreixes.mynewsonline.com
Server Port:            80

Document Path:          /index.py
Document Length:        120 bytes

Concurrency Level:      4
Time taken for tests:   9.173665 seconds
Complete requests:      4
Failed requests:        0
Write errors:           0
Total transferred:      1420 bytes
HTML transferred:       480 bytes
Requests per second:    0.44 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request:       9173.665 [ms] (mean)
Time per request:       2293.416 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent
Transfer rate:          0.11 [Kbytes/sec] received

Connection Times (ms)
              min  mean[+/-sd] median   max
Connect:        0   24  16.5     33      33
Processing:  9087 9123  39.6   9136    9173
Waiting:       83  112  28.4    135     139
Total:       9120 9147  27.2   9169    9173

Ok and the log of apache server is - - [01/Oct/2007:08:48:03 +0200] "GET /index.py HTTP/1.0"
200 120 "-" "ApacheBench/2.0.40-dev" - - [01/Oct/2007:08:48:03 +0200] "GET /index.py HTTP/1.0"
200 120 "-" "ApacheBench/2.0.40-dev" - - [01/Oct/2007:08:48:03 +0200] "GET /index.py HTTP/1.0"
200 120 "-" "ApacheBench/2.0.40-dev" - - [01/Oct/2007:08:48:03 +0200] "GET /index.py HTTP/1.0"
200 120 "-" "ApacheBench/2.0.40-dev"

My index.py, it's like this

    for i in range(1,10):
        req.write("Value is %d\r\n" % VALUE)

        # change global variable
        VALUE = VALUE + 1;

In definitive, the request share cpu time, why ? this is not a ease
response because this can be for only kernel scheduling between the
process ( every hit is a diferent process ) or becasuse a same
interpreters shared with process are linked with some SHM/IPC mechanism.

But at this point, i think the best question about all environment is how
python share a subinterpreter in a multi fork environment ?  Any ideas
about this ?

This is not my objective, :P. I need learn in a pure thread environment
but i think a some of culture about internal python mechanism can be
positive for me.

Thks to all.

A 29/9/2007, "Jim Gallacher" <jpg at jgassociates.ca> va escriure:

>Pau Freixes wrote:
>> Hi to all, Im new in a list.
>> Well, this last days I was work for testing and learn how work with multi
>> thread and multi interpreter environment in embedding python in C
>> applications, and of course mod_python it's a excellent place for
>> understand this.
>You'll need to throw multi-process into the mix of things to understand.
>  I'm not actually sure if mod_python *is* an excellent environment for
>your learning endeavours as there are a number of complicating factors
>introduced by apache and your browser.
>The behaviour that you'll see will depend on which apache mpm you are
>using: prefork, worker or winnt. If you haven't already done so you
>should take a look at http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mpm.html
>In order to effectively answer your questions you'll need to let us know
>  us know which mpm you are using. Also, what are you using as your
>> Ok, with my lectures and test with mod_python code, i have a some
>> questions, somebody can help me for understand this concepts ?
>> 1. I was try multi concurrence in a virtual host python script with this
>> easy code
>> def handler(req):
>>     # Request Content Type
>>     req.content_type = "text/plain"
>>     VALUE2 = 1
>>     for i in range(1,10):
>>         req.write("Value is %d\r\n" % VALUE2)
>>         time.sleep(5)
>>         # change global variable
>>         VALUE2 = VALUE2 + 1;
>>     req.write("Hellow World")
>>     return apache.OK
>> And my surprise it's that apache only process the next request when the
>> previous request has been served. !!
>> I don't understand this strange behavior, because mod_python it's made
>> for accept concurrent threads in same interpreter, and i test a similar
>> situation  in a c code and it's possible do run some threads at same
>> time in same interpreter.
>> time.sleep(5) it's a pretty situation for python core for change the
>> context and release GIL and assign to this to other thread. yes ?
>Are you sure you're not seeing an artifact of the browser keeping the
>connection open? If this is the case then your request is being
>serialized by apache and the GIL doesn't enter into it.
>You could play with your apache config (KeepAlive off and so on), but
>it's likely easier to use a different test client such as wget. Also,
>modify your req.write() calls to immediately flush the data, which will
>make it easier to see what's going on. eg. req.write("something",1)
>Open multiple terminals and run the following in each simultaneously (or
>as near as you can make it).
>wget -S -O - http://..../index.py
>I think you'll see that mod_python is behaving exactly as you'd expect.
>> 2. And de second question it's in similar situation, when you reuse a
>> interpreter for all request to same virtual host, with this code :
>> import time
>> VALUE = 1
>> def handler(req):
>>     global VALUE
>>     # Request Content Type
>>     req.content_type = "text/plain"
>>     for i in range(1,10):
>>         req.write("Value is %d\r\n" % VALUE)
>>         time.sleep(5)
>>         # change global variable
>>         VALUE = VALUE + 1;
>>     req.write("Hellow World")
>>     return apache.OK
>> VALUE it's a global variable for de index.py, and subsequent request for
>> the same url (http://...../index.py) show one incremental value for
>> VALUE. For example, this two request produced this two results
>> http://...../index.py
>> Value is 1
>> Value is 2
>> Value is 3
>> Value is 4
>> Value is 5
>> Value is 6
>> Value is 7
>> Value is 8
>> Value is 9
>> Hellow World
>> http://...../index.py
>> Value is 10
>> Value is 11
>> Value is 12
>> Value is 13
>> Value is 14
>> Value is 15
>> Value is 16
>> Value is 17
>> Value is 18
>> Hellow World
>> Ok, this situation it's really and i think its very normal because only
>> callback to handler it's made with the same interpreter and VALUE is
>> not re assigned to value 1, may be ?
>The statement "VALUE = 1" is only evaluated when the module (index.py)
>is first loaded. It is not re-evaluated for each request. Note however
>that VALUE should *not* be considered a global variable. Depending on
>which apache mpm is being used you could have multiple, independent
>copies of VALUE. Using the mpm-prefork and the default MaxClients value
>of 256, you could potentially have 256 copies of VALUE if your server is
>under a heavy load. A similar situation exists with mpm-worker where you
>could still have a number of independent multi-threaded child processes.
>> 3. And the most important question, why mod_python not use a separate
>> interpreters for all request ?
>I'm not 100% sure what you are asking. Do you mean a separate
>interpreter for each request? If so then the resource usage would be
>unacceptably high. The default is to have a separate subinterpreter for
>each virtual host.

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