[mod_python] Mod-Python Help

Ethan Toan Ton ethanton at ethanton.com
Thu Sep 7 01:55:34 EDT 2006


Thanks for the help. My packet sniffer is looking at the packets, and instead
of a new packet header, all these req.flush() calls are keeping the
alive. Unfortunately, the javascript xmlhttprequest will only process the
packet once, instead of during every call to req.flush().

Is there a way to close the connection and open it again afterwards? I'm
trying to get the xmlhttprequest.onreadystatechange to process after each
to req.flush().


> On 07/09/2006, at 10:39 AM, David Beal wrote:
>> Ethan,
>>> Thanks for your help.  It turns out the problem was the "return
>>> apache.OK".  I was getting that extra 0 at the end and could not
>>> figure
>>> out why.  Thanks for the prompt replies.  I appreciate all the help.
>> The problem is probably not with return apache.OK, but maybe with the
>> client's XmlHttpRequest handler not understanding chunked encoding
>> markers.  The 0 is for HTTP chunked encoding.  Look for the header:
>> Transfer-Encoding: chunked
>> and the first line of the content will be a hexadecimal number of the
>> content-length for the first chunk.  Each subsequent chunk comes
>> with a
>> chunk length marker.  The 0 at the end of the file indicates that
>> there
>> are no more chunks.  Chunk length markers will also appear whenever an
>> output flush occurs.
>> To disable chunked encoding, you should specify a content length:
>> req.headers_out['Content-Length']=str(len(code))
> I'd suggest it isn't anything to do with chunked encoding and the
> original
> suggestion about apache.OK is going to be correct.
> It is an occasional problem we have to correct whereby people who move
> from a mod_python basic handler to mod_python.publisher keep returning
> apache.OK as a status when they shouldn't with result of an extra '0'
> appearing in response.
> Ie., a mod_python basic handler of:
>    def handler(req):
>      req.content_type = 'text/plain'
>      req.write("content")
>      return apache.OK
> can not simply be taken and then used as mod_python.publisher
> function as:
>    def index(req):
>      req.content_type = 'text/plain'
>      req.write("content")
>      return apache.OK
> This is because mod_python.publisher will always take the result of
> the function
> and convert it to a string and append it to the response, even if
> req.write() were
> used. Thus, must be written as:
>    def index(req):
>      req.content_type = 'text/plain'
>      req.write("content")
> or for older versions of mod_python where returning None or an empty
> string is
> a problem, written as:
>    def index(req):
>      req.content_type = 'text/plain'
>      req.write("content")
>      return ' '
> Graham

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