[mod_python] Apache 2.2.2 not working

Christoph Mewes sanji at klassenfeind.org
Wed Oct 18 18:46:22 EDT 2006


I'm using Apache 2.2.2 for a long time now and I wanted to use Python
with it. So I downloaded thoe mod 3.2.10 and ran the Installer. And so
bla bla bla ... to shorten this up:

Apache....: 2.2.2 (E:\Software\Apache-2.2)
mod_python: 3.2.10
Python....: 2.4.1 (E:\Software\Python-2.4.1)
OS........: WinXP Home SP2

I managed to install Python and after adding the path of Python to the
system-wide PATH variable the server started.
But when I try to run the mptest.py from the Manual, it returns a HTPP
500 error. My error log says:

[Thu Oct 19 00:45:25 2006] [error] make_obcallback: could not import
[Thu Oct 19 00:45:25 2006] [error] make_obcallback: Python path being
used "['E:\\\\Software\\\\Python-2.4.1\\\\python24.zip', '.\\\\DLLs',
'.\\\\lib', '.\\\\lib\\\\plat-win', '.\\\\lib\\\\lib-tk',
[Thu Oct 19 00:45:25 2006] [error] python_handler: no interpreter
callback found.
[Thu Oct 19 00:45:25 2006] [error] [client] python_handler:
Can't get/create interpreter.

I neither know why he wants to run a python24.zip neither where to get one.
Python itself runs like a charme.

I put the following lines into my httpd.conf:

LoadModule python_module modules/mod_python.so
PythonOption mod_python.mutex_directory "G:/Temp"
AddHandler mod_python .py
PythonHandler mptest
PythonDebug On

Can anybody help me? Thanks alot.

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