[mod_python] Session Hell...

Martijn Moeling martijn at xs4us.nu
Mon Nov 27 11:59:22 EST 2006


I do not think this has anything to do with your configuration but more
with a loop which does not exit. 

I just finished a new type of session which stores in a mysql database
(see my previous posts), so I am quit deep into sessions at the moment.
One of the great outcomes is that the session contents can be read with
any tool including phpmyadmin or within the modpython code.

I am now working on a online users list where I can follow the users
session parameters for debugging purposes.

Take a look at your loops first, what I do in such cases is add a lot of
reg.log_error(some_string_output,apache.APLOG_NOTICE) and then a "tail
-f /var/log/httpd/error_log" but since you are on XP you'll have to type
the error_log file. Or start the app in in debug mode from the


-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: mod_python-bounces at modpython.org
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Verzonden: Monday, November 27, 2006 4:01 PM
Aan: 'mod_python at modpython.org'
Onderwerp: [mod_python] Session Hell...

Hi !

I have a big problem. I've just finished my big site: this is a session 
based online shop.
But I'm get crazy...
When I want to control the number of elements (piece of the purcheasable

items), the site is move in dead state (httpd).

I use the Session to store the items, and the first phase I check this 
array, change it with the input params, revalidate it, and deepcopy it 
to the request.

This what I do for minimize the session-locking, and multithreading 

I need to save Session, because it's lifetime must increasing in every 

Today I build a version that containing threading.Lock. In this way only

ONE request worked, next request are go to hell...

What is this problem?
Anyone knows about a session problems in WXP, Py2.2.4, ModPy3.2.10, 

I need to repair my site, the next day I need to demonstrate to it is 
working good... :-((((

Thanks for any idea that can help me:

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