[mod_python] psp problem

Jim Gallacher jpg at jgassociates.ca
Wed May 24 08:03:23 EDT 2006

yjfuk wrote:
> I use mod_python publish as handler,psp as template and MySQLdb to  
> connect  the mysql .apache is 2.0.58 use perfork MPM
> codes below:
> from MySQLdb import connect
> from mod_python import psp
> def index (req):
> conn=connect(**{'host':'localhost','user':'root','passwd':'','db':'test'})
>    req.content_type = "text/html; charset=utf-8"
>    psp.PSP(req,'templates/test.html').run({'name':'jack'})
>    conn.close()
> when I flush the exlpore, I see the 'show processlist' in the mysql 
> shell is ceaselessly increasing ,why?

Are you raising an exception such that conn.close() does not get a 
chance to run? If so, you could either wrap your code in a try/finally 
clause (closing the connection within finally), or better yet, register 
a cleanup that will always run when apache finishes processing the request.

def index(req):
    req.register_cleanup(close_db_connection, conn)
    req.content_type = "text/html; charset=utf-8"

def close_db_connection(db_con):


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