[mod_python] eliminating last foo.py from url?

Graham Dumpleton grahamd at dscpl.com.au
Thu Dec 7 18:25:35 EST 2006

Mark Harrison wrote ..
> So, I've pretty much copied the standard directory configuration,
> <Directory "/apache/htdocs/appserv">
>          AddHandler mod_python .py
>          PythonHandler appserv
>          PythonDebug On
> </Directory>
> and I can reference my service by http://foo.com/appserv/appserv.py
> (or any other .py in that directory, of course).
> How can I make it such that I can reference with the trailing foo.py?
> e.g.
> http://foo.com/appserv



When using AddHandler, requests against the directory don't go to mod_python
automatically. You can possibly use DirectoryIndex directive as:

  DirectoryIndex appserv.py


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