[mod_python] Authentication and security in general

Deron Meranda deron.meranda at gmail.com
Tue Apr 25 17:00:19 EDT 2006

On 4/25/06, Joshua Ginsberg <listspam at flowtheory.net> wrote:
> > Surely it can't be all that easy? There must be some tricks for
> > securing things that I'm not aware of. Something I'm misunderstanding?

Proper website security is a very tough thing to get correct.
The history is littered with big companies that have gotten it
wrong: HotMail, Yahoo, Amazon, etc...  Fortunately for many
sites just close enough is good enough.  You really need to
determine what kind of security you need to figure out what to do.

Using cookies instead of (or in addition to) HTTP authentication
(Basic/Digest) is in many cases somewhat better, mainly because
you have better control over the browser memorizing passwords
and that the server can make it easy to log off a user (just try to
log off when using HTTP authentication).  Login forms should set
the autocomplete="off" attribute to try to force browsers not to
remember passwords...although with things like the Google toolbar,
even that doesn't always work.  Using extra devices like captchas
can help prevent bot brute-forcing attacks (with reduced usability).

(In a LAN/Intranet environment you can use other protocols
such as NTLM or Kerberos, which are a bit more secure, but
challenging to configure).

But even cookies aren't the best either.  First you should always
issue encrypted (or stateless) cookies.  They should have domain
restrictions set, as well as SSL-only restrictions (which, btw, see
mod_python issue 108
You may want to disable the TRACE method in Apache to
prevent cookie stealing.

If you want to do any sort of log off or expiration, you should also
include the expiration date in the cookie content (and properly
encrypted or signed), since the actual cookie expiration property
is modifiable by the user.

And if not *everything* is over TLS/SSL, then it's not worth putting
too much effort into it anyway.  (Which, btw, google mail can
operate in all-SSL mode if you start at the page
https://mail.google.com/ when you first log in).  Even then though,
if you're not validating client certificates, TLS/SSL is severely
handicapped already from man-in-the-middle attacks.

What I do (by using mod_python) is to use a cookie-based system.
First a subset of my server (say the /login url) is set to use it's own
private PythonInterpreter and PythonPath; and all of my high-sensitive
stuff goes in there.  It is what draws the login forms and processes
them.  When it logs somebody in, it will issue a cookie whose content
contains the user's id, the expiration timestamp, and a digital
signature (you can use the mod_python's SignedCookie class for this).

Then for the entire website (/ url), excluding /login and /error, I have
a PythonAccessHandler which verifies the cookie, and will cause
an HTTP 401 Unauthorized if it's not correct or has expired.  If
it's okay, then it stuffs information about the user into the req
object so the content handlers can get to it if desired, as well as
setting up and loading the session object (if you use sessions).

The advantage of this is that it protects all my files, even things
like images which are not handled by mod_python.  And since
it's in it's own handler, and forces 401's if somethings wrong,
there's little chance that a broken content handler may accidently
disable security.

There are of course lots of different approaches, and even I have
just glossed over what I do.
Deron Meranda

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