[mod_python] processing py-scripts with apache 1.3 and mod_python

Colin Bean ccbean at gmail.com
Tue Apr 4 12:32:08 EDT 2006

For starters, try putting quotes around the path in the "Directory" section,
    <Directory "/anydir/py/">

Also, chage "PythonHandler mod_python.publisher" to "SetHandler
Once you've done this, I don't beleive that you need the PythonPath
directive (since it is the same path as the publisher directory), nor the
"SetHandler python-program".

This doesn't really answer your question in depth, but I beleive that the
"SetHandler python-program" directive is only necessisary in older
versions(?) of mod_python, in which case you also needed to specify a
"PythonHandler" directive.  In your case, the line "SetHandler
mod_python.publisher" should be all that's needed.

Also, posting relevant snippets of your error logs will help us to diagnose
further problems.


On 4/4/06, Emanuel Rumpf <x at branwelt.de> wrote:
> Hello,
> I wanted /anydir/py/test.py to be processed by mod_python
> on apache 1.3 server, when requesting http://domain.org/py/test.py
> (where /anydir/ is the DocumentRoot)
> No matter, what I tried, there was no success,
> either the file was delivered as textfile-download,
> or I got a "File not Found" error.
> my current config, which is inside a virtual host:
> <Directory /anydir/py/>
>                 Options -FollowSymLinks +Indexes
>                 Order allow,deny
>                 Allow from all
>                 PythonPath "sys.path+['/anydir/py/']"
>                 #PythonHandler handler_script
>                 PythonHandler mod_python.publisher
>                 PythonDebug On
>                 PythonInterpreter pi01
>                 #excecute those with .py extension
>                 #AddHandler mod_python .py
>                 #excecute those with any extension
>                 #SetHandler mod_python
>                 # the same (?):
>                 SetHandler python-program
> </Directory>
> Any hints, how to make it working?
> Thanks,
> Emanuel
> btw:
> What's the diffence between:
> SetHandler mod_python
> and:
> SetHandler python-program
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