[mod_python] Automaticaly requesting "index.py/index"

Charlie Knudsen charlie.knudsen at gmail.com
Tue Oct 25 01:32:18 EDT 2005

 From looking at the headers returned by the below links it looks like 
you have mod python 2.7.11 installed.  The 2.x series of mod python does 
not call the index function by default like the 3.x series.  However 
this would not be that difficult to add if you wanted to. You could 
download the publisher handler code for the 3.x series for an example of 
how this would be accomplished.  However adding the session management 
and the PSP functionality will be a bit more work.

I am not the foremost mod_python expert, but I ran into this problem a 
while ago and this is what I found.  You will notice that there is not 
much movement for the 2.x version of mod_python any more.  If you want 
to develop with mod_python and have Apache2 available I would switch to 
the 3.x code.

Hope that helps,


Fabien Schwob wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm currently trying to develop a website in python and I have a problem
> to automatically request the "index.py/index" url.
> I have a script called index.py at the url http://jibaku.net/beta/ and
> when I type the previous url, I only get a "404 Not Found". I must
> request http://jibaku.net/beta/index.py/index to get the correct page.
> So, is there a solution to tell mod_python to automatically get :
>     http://jibaku.net/beta/index.py/index
> when I type
>     http://jibaku.net/beta/
> My configuration is an .htaccess in the beta/ folder and it contain :
> AddHandler python-program .py
> PythonHandler mod_python.publisher
> Thanks in advance for your help.

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