[mod_python] upload pop-up

Wim Heirman Wim.Heirman at UGent.be
Mon Oct 17 09:53:21 EDT 2005

> Thanks for your answer.
> Now I have a next question.
> If I run my script I get the following message:
> ...............
> ..............
>  File "C:\Program Files\Python24\Lib\site-packages\mod_python\util.py",
> line 70, in __getattr__
>    raise AttributeError, name
> AttributeError: read
> I print my file and  this is the result:
> Field('file', 'TESTTESTTEST')
> I need the second TESTTESTTEST …..
> I don’t going to replace or split it!
> Why in this format ……..Field(‘file’,’TEST……’)?
> My script:
> <html>
> <%=file%>
> <%
> def getFile(file):
>    if file is None:   # There was no file sent.
>        return "Error! There was no file!"
>    if type(file) is str:
>     # File was sent as a regular field, which is bad.
>        return "Error! File was a string!"
>    fileData = file.read()    # Get the file data into a Python variable.
>    req.write("DONE")
>    return "Ok, file received."
> getFile(file)
> %>
> </html>

Sorry, I don't see what's wrong. Maybe you could post your complete
code, and the whole traceback instead of just the last line?

Or maybe someone else on mod_python can help you (you didn't seem to
have used "reply all", the list wasn't in cc when I got this)

> ====
> other question how can I reply to the answers on mod_python mailinglist.
> Because if I reply. My Reply become a head question not a sub answer of
> the topic?

All your mails are threaded nicely here (thunderbird), just replying to
the message (not composing a new one and copying the subject) should
work fine in any descent mailer


ir. Wim Heirman,
ELIS Department, Ghent University, Belgium
Phone: +32-9-264.95.27
E-mail: wim.heirman at elis.UGent.be

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