[mod_python] Re: [Vampire] ".vampire" not loaded but I do not see why

Stephane Bortzmeyer bortzmeyer at nic.fr
Wed Nov 9 03:40:08 EST 2005

On Tue, Nov 08, 2005 at 08:04:35PM +1100,
 Graham Dumpleton <grahamd at dscpl.com.au> wrote 
 a message of 157 lines which said:

> Next thing to realise is that if "handler" is what you intend to be
> used, then there is an expectation that there is no extension on the URL
> being used. You have been using Vampire long enough probably to know
> that though.

Yes and, anyway,adding ".html" at the end of the URL changes nothing.
> Next thing is to delve into what is in the config which is being found.
> To do that, stick the following .py file in directory where .vampire
> file is located,

I get:

VampireDirectoryIndex = index

__config_root__ =

__handler_root__ =

__baseurl_abs__ =

__config_file__ =

__config_mtime__ =

__baseurl_rel__ =

VampireDefaultHandlers = On

__config_root__ =

__handler_root__ =

__baseurl_abs__ =

__config_file__ =

__config_mtime__ =

__baseurl_rel__ =

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