[mod_python] mod_python and Django

Dagur Pall Ammendrup dagurp at gmail.com
Thu Jul 28 06:06:53 EDT 2005

Jorey Bump wrote:

> Dagur Pall Ammendrup wrote:
>> I did do that and I can import it just fine in the console. This is 
>> the error I get:
>> EnvironmentError: Could not import DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 
>> 'myproject.settings.main' (is it on sys.path?): No module named 
>> myproject.settings.main
> Try these:
> 1. Configure mod_python in a <Directory> container, not a <Location> 
> container.
> 2. Import sys in a mod_python test module and display sys.path. Check 
> that it contains the path.
> 3. Be sure to use only one PythonPath directive per interpreter. 
> Multiple PythonPath directives tend to clobber each other.
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1. I had no luck with that at all

2. Already did, and the path is there.

3. I tried disabling spyce (which had the only other PythonPath 
directive) but that didn't have any effect either.

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