[mod_python] connection pool (newbie question)

Nicolas Lehuen nicolas.lehuen at gmail.com
Thu Dec 15 01:08:38 EST 2005

Note that Apache 2.2  features a database API with connection pooling
capabilities. This is all very brand new and bug-prone, but we could
imagine building a DBAPI wrapper around this API, thus making it
possible to rely on Apache-level pooling mechanisms. See :


Anyway, this is not a solution in the short term.


2005/12/14, Graham Dumpleton <grahamd at dscpl.com.au>:
> On 15/12/2005, at 12:32 AM, Mike Looijmans wrote:
> >> I've looked at connection pool code for a persistent database
> >> connection.   I don't know where to create the connection pool.
> >> If in the handler code (I'm using publisher), wouldn't a new
> >> pool be created each time the handler is called?
> >>
> >
> > You'll get a new pool for each process (not for each thread)
> Technically speaking, not necessarily. :-)
> There will actually be one per Python interpreter instance which uses
> that
> handler module. Thus if you were supporting two virtual hosts and
> both used
> the same handler module there would be one for each virtual host in each
> process. This even presumes the pool was created at global scope within
> the handler module. If it was created within the handler function
> itself, then
> there could be one per request.
> If pool was created at global scope within the handler module and module
> reloading is used, then over time you could end up with multiple
> pools with
> older ones potentially becoming inaccessible resources with a
> resource leak
> resulting. Resource pools should ideally be created in modules which are
> not the subject of mod_python module reloading.
> All this was what the referenced article and old mailing list posts
> help to
> describe.
> Graham
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