[mod_python] Segfaults when running mod_python and mod_php4/mod_php5

Daniel S. Reichenbach dsr at best-off.org
Tue Dec 13 05:44:19 EST 2005

Hi again,

> Now use a web browser to access the URL which gives you the problem.
> If everything goes as expected, Apache will crash and gdb will throw you
> back to its prompt. Enter "where" command to get stack trace of where it
> crashed.
I have followed your instructions step by step and tried opening the
URL. The result was expected, auth window opened, valid username and
password enter and then again Zero Reply from the server and again it
show segfault in error log. But *sigh* in gdb nothing happened. It
still stood there telling me it was Continuing.

What next?

With kind regards,
blog - http://people.best-off.org/~dsr/
gpg  - http://people.best-off.org/~dsr/gpg.asc
work - http://www.best-off.org/

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