[mod_python] Authentification/Session Management

Lukas Trejtnar l.trejtnar at open.ac.uk
Fri Oct 29 09:03:17 EDT 2004

Hi Jorey

Thank you for the examples. I tried the latter and it worked exactly as 
I wanted it to work. I reused this example in the PythonAuthenHandler 
and it worked fine, also. Great, many thanks.

I'm a bit curious if it is possible to use session's native functions 
for the same functionality instead of a reimplementation of the 
session's timeout.


Jorey Bump wrote:
> Jorey Bump wrote:
>> I think we both did. Your session handling code should appear in the 
>> section that handles successful authentication. Then you need to 
>> perform the *authorization* step by checking the validity of the 
>> session. If that test fails, you return apache.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED (in 
>> addition to returning it where authentication fails):
>>  if passwd == "spam" and user == "eggs":
>>      session handling/tests here
>>      if passed:
>>          return apache.OK
>>      else:
>>          return apache.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED
>>  else:
>>      return apache.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED
>> Again, this is untested, and I'm no sessions guru. If I get a chance 
>> to work up any usable code, I'll post it.
> It seems that Session.timeout() isn't suitable for tracking inactivity, 
> it merely imposes a finite lifespan on the session, regardless of last 
> access (correct me if I'm wrong). Therefore, you need to set session 
> variables to track time between requests. This isn't too hard. I used 
> Publisher's builtin authentication instead of PythonAuthenHandler, 
> because I'm more familiar with it.
> The basic logic is this:
> 1. Set session variables when session is created.
> 2. For each request, look at session variables to measure inactivity.
> 3. If inactive too long, force user to reauthenticate.
> For the last step, the session may be deleted to force session 
> initialization code to run again.
> To test the following, open a browser, visit the appropriate URL, 
> authenticate (user=eggs, pwd=spam), hit refresh a few times, pause 
> longer than 5 seconds, then hit refresh again. You should be forced to 
> reauthenticate.
> Tested on:
> Apache 2.0.52
> Python 2.3.4
> mod_python 3.1.3
> In httpd.conf:
>   <Directory "/usr/local/apache2/htdocs">
>       Order allow,deny
>       Allow from all
>       SetHandler python-program
>       PythonHandler mod_python.publisher
>       PythonDebug On
>   </Directory>
> This is hello.py (visit http://localhost/hello.py/say?what=something):
> from mod_python.Session import Session
> import time
> # restrict access to this module with basic authentication
> __auth_realm__ = "Restricted"
> # allow these users
> def __access__(req, user):
>     if user == "eggs":
>         return 1
>     else:
>         return 0
> # check user and password
> def __auth__(req, user, passwd):
>     if user == "eggs" and passwd == "spam":
>         # user has successfully authenticated
>         sess = Session(req)
>         if sess.has_key('max_inactive'):
>             # this is an existing session
>             # check length of inactivity
>             elapsed = time.time() - sess['last']
>             # reset timer for next request
>             sess['last'] = time.time()
>             sess.save()
>             # compare elapsed inactivity to maximum allowed
>             if elapsed > sess['max_inactive']:
>                 # it's been too long
>                 # uncomment to delete session (optional)
>                 # sess.delete()
>                 # force user to reauthenticate
>                 return 0
>             else:
>                 # still within time limit
>                 req.write("Authorized.\n\n")
>                 # allow user to continue
>                 return 1
>         else:
>             # this must be a new session, so set session variables
>             # set maximum inactivity allowed, in seconds
>             # use low value for testing
>             sess['max_inactive'] = 5
>             # initialize timer
>             sess['last'] = time.time()
>             sess.save()
>             # do new session stuff here
>             req.write("Session started.\n\n")
>             # allow user to continue
>             return 1
>     else:
>         # wrong user or password, force user to reauthenticate
>         return 0
> def say(req, what="NOTHING"):
>     # all that, just to see this?
>     return "I am saying %s." % what
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