[mod_python] Secure storage of sensitive variables, such as passwords

Scott Sanders sanders at apache.org
Wed Nov 24 13:00:38 EST 2004

Maybe I am less paranoid, but I just store that info in the .htaccess 
under PythonOption directives.   If the .htaccess file were to become 
exploited, I have bigger problems :)


On Nov 24, 2004, at 9:47 AM, Jorey Bump wrote:

> I'd like to know if anyone has any recommendations for securely 
> storing information such as db passwords. I don't like to include 
> login information anywhere within the DocumentRoot, in case an 
> interpreter failure or server misconfiguration exposes the code. To 
> this end, I'm using the following system:
> 1. I create a different user for each VirtualHost. Within the user's 
> home directory, I create a site directory that serves as the 
> DocumentRoot.
> 2. I then create a Python directory in the home directory, and add it 
> to the VirtualHost's PYTHONPATH using:
>  PythonPath "sys.path + ['/var/www/virtual/user/Python']"
> Or one could do this within the script itself:
>  sys.path.append('/var/www/virtual/user/Python')
> This gives me a safe place outside of the DocumentRoot to store 
> settings in modules, without placing them in the default PYTHONPATH of 
> every other user on the system.
> 3. To store settings, I create a package structure:
>  cd ~/Python
>  mkdir Conf
>  cd Conf
>  touch __init__.py
> This allows me to create files with settings specific to an 
> application and import them. So, for application foo, I would create 
> foo.py here and list the values I need, or even wrap them up neatly in 
> a function:
>  # ~/Python/Conf/foo.py
>  import MySQLdb
>  bees = 0
>  eric = 0.5
>  def get_dbh():
>      """
>      Set up db connection and return handle.
>      """
>      dbhost = "localhost"
>      dbuser = "cyril"
>      dbpwd  = "ladidi123"
>      dbname = "menagerie"
>      dbh = MySQLdb.connect(dbhost, dbuser, dbpwd, dbname)
>      return dbh
> Then, in my mod_python application, I import the values:
>  # ~/site/foo.py
>  from Conf.foo import *
>  bees += eric
>  dbh = get_dbh()
>  # db handle is now ready to use for queries/updates
> I find this approach a lot simpler than using a configuration parser, 
> especially because there is no new syntax to learn and the resources 
> are immediately available to the application. Creating a package to 
> hold the settings also helps to avoid namespace clashes.
> The usual caveats apply here as they do to any embedded interpreter, 
> with the main concern being that other system users now theoretically 
> have access to the code, which must be readable by the user apache 
> runs as. The main payoff is that the application is a bit more 
> resistant to remote exploits, because the code is stored outside the 
> DocumentRoot.
> I'd be interested in how others handle sensitive information or in any 
> suggestions for hardening the approach I've outlined above. I 
> generally use Publisher in a prefork environment, if that helps.
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