[mod_python] mod_python problem

Mark Eret eret at ucar.edu
Tue Nov 2 12:10:57 EST 2004

Hello there,

I have Apache 1.3.31 running and mod_python 2.7.10-3 (I believe) on 
Debian's testing distrubution ('sarge').  I installed mod_python and 
Apache using 'apt-get' (apt-get install apache, apt-get install 
libapache-mod-python).  I tried to follow the instructions for testing 
my installation given in 
http://www.modpython.org/live/mod_python-2.7/doc/inst-testing.html, but 
I can't get it to work.  I followed them to the letter.

My httpd.conf contains the following:
<Directory /var/www/test>
         AddHandler mod_python .py
         PythonHandler mptest
         PythonDebug On

I restarted apache.  I put a file called mptest.py with the permissions 
644 in my /var/www/test directory.  mptest.py contains the following:

from mod_python import apache
def handler(req):
         req.write("Hello World!")
         return apache.OK

I point my browser to http://lambdacalcul.us/test/mptest.py and all I 
see is the source code for mptest.py.  The apache logs show nothing 
happening.  It just reports a GET and that is it.  I tried running 
'/usr/sbin/apache -X' and that doesn't show anything useful.  Does 
anyone have any idea how I can fix this?  Thanks in advance.

Mark Eret

"Yields falsehood when appended to its own quotation," yields falsehood 
when appended to its own quotation.

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