[mod_python] Problem with mapping URIs to filesystem/Python modules

Fabian Fagerholm fabbe at paniq.net
Thu May 13 00:28:24 EDT 2004

On Wed, 2004-05-12 at 22:55, Fabian Fagerholm wrote:
> Any directory will then be assumed to contain an index.py with a
> function named index(). If that is not desired, it can be turned off by
> placing a .htaccess file in that directory saying "SetHandler None".

Of course, since there is only one Python interpreter present by
default, this would cause the index.py module to be loaded, and
subsequent attempts to load another module by the same name would be
ignored -- and so you'd get the first index.py every time.

To overcome this, I'm now using PythonInterpPerDirectory On, which lets
me have a separate namespace for each directory.

Whew! If only these subtleties were more prominently mentioned in the
tutorial... :)

Fabian Fagerholm <fabbe at paniq.net>
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