[mod_python] Win32 Binary of modpython 3.0.3 that has the Python 2.3 patch

Andy Sy andy at netfxph.com
Sun Sep 28 08:30:37 EST 2003

 > modpython 3.0.3 works fine with Python 2.3, but to build it you
 > need to hack src/include/mod_python.h.  There's a FAQ entry with
 > the necessary patch.
 > Maybe Grisha should release a 3.0.4 with just this one patch?
 > -Barry

I second the motion.  Does anyone have such a binary?
At the very least widespread testing will help uncover
Python 2.3 vis-a-vis modpython 3.x bugs under Windows.

Does anyone have tips on how to compile modpython under
Windows?  Is it possible to do this using MinGW?

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