[mod_python] Empty URL query elements causing mod_python 2.7.x and 3.0.x to seg fault

David Fraser davidf at sjsoft.com
Mon Nov 10 14:59:15 EST 2003

Matt Hoskins wrote:

>On Mon, 2003-11-10 at 12:10, David Fraser wrote:
>>Matt Hoskins wrote:
>>>I believe that mod python 2.7.8 and 3.0.3 (and possibly the latest 3.1,
>>>although I haven't tested them) can be made to lead to a segmentation
>>>fault under unix (and the equivilent under win32) if you have an empty
>>>query string element on the url. I don't have a debug build of
>>>python/apache/etc, but it seems to be during a python_finalize that
>>>things actually explode.
>>>So the most simple case is:
>>>It'll explode with any empty query string component I believe. I'm
>>>guessing it's the fact that the length of the whole element is 0 that's
>>>upsetting things, as the following doesn't cause things to go
>>>horribly wrong (and you correctly get an entry with an empty key):
>>>As I'm not up to speed on python innards I don't know exactly why it's
>>>getting upset. Should be easy to hack a fix to just skip entirely empty
>>>entries, but the correct fix I guess would add a key/value pair of empty
>>>strings to the url argument dictionary (why anyone would care about such
>>>an entry I don't know ;).
>>>I've had this error occur with apache 1.3.28/mod python 2.7.8/python
>>>2.2.3 under linux and windows, and apache 2.0.47/mod python 3.0.3/python
>>>2.3.2 under linux.
>>Works for me on Apache 2.0.47/mod_python 3.0.3/python 2.2.2 and apache 
>>1.3.27/mod_python 2.7.8/python 2.2.2 under linux
>>Was this using a normal install, and do you have a simple test case of 
>>the config/.htaccess files and handler that generates this error?
>Are you using the FieldStorage stuff? Tt's actually the util.parse_qsl
>routine which is exploding for me. I'm half asleep this morning, so
>forgot to mention it was parse_qsl which was setting up stuff to cause
>things to blow up.
>I've hacked my the mod_python code (parse_qsl in _apachemodule.c) here
>to skip the empty entries in parse_qsl and that fixes the problem.
>fieldStorage = util.FieldStorage(modPythonRequest, 1) is the way that
>parse_qsl is ending up getting called here. I haven't had a chance to
>set up a piece of code which just calls this and doesn't do anything
>else, so I don't know if you have to actually use the fieldStorage thing
>or the values within in to trigger the crash, or whether just cleaning
>up after parse_qsl has been called with an empty query entity is enough
>to cause the problem.
>If you've tried fieldStorage = util.FieldStorage(modPythonRequest, 1)
>and aren't getting an explosion I could take the time to try create a
>minimal set of circumstations to cause the error, however I'm 99% sure
>it is down to parse_qsl given that "http://myserver/?=&" doesn't cause a
>problem with our app, and that should in theory create the same
>key/value pair through parse_qsl as "http://myserver/?&"
OK, I wasn't using keep_blank_values=1
So it looks like a bug in parse_qsl, but I don't know enough CPython to 
debug it, maybe somebody else can :-)


PS Did you mean to send this to the list too?

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