[mod_python] [patch] make autoreload more useful

Martin Pool mbp at samba.org
Wed May 29 18:24:40 EST 2002

Here is a patch intended to make automatic reload work "properly" in
mod_python: if you change *any* Python source file, then all of them
will be reloaded.  

I think this basically gives the behaviour developers would
intuitively expect: you can just go ahead and edit and the server will
reload as necessary without you needing to remember to kill/restart
Apache.  So the development experience is as immediate as CGI or PHP.

You might ask why it's necessary to reload everything, and not just
the changed module.  The reason is that some other module might still
hold a reference to an object or function inside the changed module,
and that object will still refer to the old code.  

Indeed this will still be a problem if you put a reference to your
code into sys, or one of the other modules that is not reloaded.  I
can't see a clean way to handle that without restarting the whole
interpreter, but I suspect it's a not a very common case.

Of course stat()ing every loaded python file on every mod_python
request has a small performance hit, but I don't think it will be a
problem during development, and the whole thing should be turned off
in production.

I owe a debt to the PyUnit developers for documenting their solution
and therefore saving me a couple of false starts.

The patch is rough as anything and badly needs to be cleaned up and
tested more thoroughly before it being merged or used in production.
(The reload stuff really belongs in a separate module.)  I thought I'd
send it out and see if anyone had any comments, and in particular if
Grisha would take it in principle.  

I've tested this a bit on python2.1 and it seems to work well.  I
might inadvertently have bugs on 1.5, but they can easily be cleaned

tab tab ding!

--- /home/mbp/work/mod_python-2.7.8/lib/python/mod_python/apache.py	Sat Apr 20 04:20:40 2002
+++ /usr/lib/python2.1/site-packages/mod_python/apache.py	Wed May 29 18:03:08 2002
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
 import imp
 import types
 import _apache
+import __builtin__
 # a small hack to improve PythonPath performance. This
 # variable stores the last PythonPath in raw (unevaled) form.
@@ -62,6 +63,92 @@
 def _cleanup_request(_req):
     _req._Request = None
+# The idea of rolling back imports comes from Steve Purcell's
+# PyUnit GUI <pyunit.sf.net>, but the implementation is new by Martin Pool.
+# The basic idea is that we want to delete everything from sys.modules
+# when the user's code changes, except for system modules.  This is
+# necessary because otherwise one module that has not changed may
+# still be holding references to code objects from a module that has
+# changed.  We have to actually delete them and start again rather
+# than using reload(), because otherwise the first one reloaded may
+# grab references from something that will be reloaded later on.
+# Of course this will be a little slow, but it's only used in
+# development so it doesn't really matter.
+_orig_sys_modules = None
+def _notice(s, *args):
+    _apache.log_error(s % args, APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_NOTICE)
+def save_orig_modules():
+    global _orig_sys_modules
+    _orig_sys_modules = sys.modules.copy()
+def check_for_reload(path=None):
+    """Check all non-system modules; if any have changed, reload all"""
+    for module_name, module in sys.modules.items():
+        if _orig_sys_modules.has_key(module_name):
+            continue
+        if not module:
+            continue                    # some are None (??)
+        file = module.__dict__.get('__file__')
+        oldmtime = module.__dict__.get("__mtime__", 0)
+        if not oldmtime:
+            # If the oldmtime is 0, then it wasn't loaded
+            # through _apache_importer, and so we can't work out if it's
+            # older or not.
+            continue
+        mtime = module_mtime(module)
+        # If the file no longer exists, mtime will be 0 and we'll
+        # reload it.
+        if mtime > oldmtime or mtime == 0:
+            _apache.log_error("mod_python: %s has been changed; mtime=%d oldmtime=%d" %
+                              (file, mtime, oldmtime),
+                              APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_NOTICE)
+            return reload_user_modules()
+def reload_user_modules():
+    """Reload all modules except system modules"""
+    _apache.log_error("mod_python: discard user modules",
+                      APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_NOTICE)
+    for module_name in sys.modules.keys():
+        if not _orig_sys_modules.has_key(module_name):
+            del sys.modules[module_name]
+def _get_sub_module(top_module, module_name):
+    module = top_module
+    for part in string.split(module_name, '.')[1:]:
+        module = getattr(module, part)
+    return module
+def _apache_importer(module_name, globals=None, locals=None, fromlist=None):
+    # Just defer to the built-in importer, but annotate the returned module with
+    # its modification time
+    parent_module = _original_import(module_name, globals, locals, fromlist)
+    if '.' in module_name:
+        submodule = _get_sub_module(parent_module, module_name)
+    else:
+        submodule = parent_module
+    if _debug:
+        s = 'mod_python: importing %s got parent %s, sub %s' % (module_name, `parent_module`,
+                                                                `submodule`)
+        _apache.log_error(s, APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_NOTICE)
+    submodule.__mtime__ = module_mtime(submodule)
+    _notice("submodule mtime is %d" % submodule.__mtime__)
+    return parent_module
 class Request:
     """ This is a normal Python Class that can be subclassed.
         However, most of its functionality comes from a built-in
@@ -285,6 +372,8 @@
             etb = None
             # we do not return anything
 def import_module(module_name, req=None, path=None):
     Get the module to handle the request. If
@@ -299,52 +388,27 @@
         debug = config.has_key("PythonDebug")
         if config.has_key("PythonAutoReload"):
             autoreload = int(config["PythonAutoReload"])
-    # (Re)import
-    if sys.modules.has_key(module_name):
-        # The module has been imported already
-        module = sys.modules[module_name]
-        # but is it in the path?
-        file = module.__dict__.get("__file__")
-        if not file or (path and not os.path.dirname(file) in path):
-                raise SERVER_RETURN, HTTP_NOT_FOUND
-        if autoreload:
-            oldmtime = module.__dict__.get("__mtime__", 0)
-            mtime = module_mtime(module)
-        else:
-            mtime, oldmtime = 0, 0
-    else:
-        mtime, oldmtime = 0, -1
-    if mtime > oldmtime:
-        # Import the module
-        if debug:
-            s = 'mod_python: (Re)importing %s from %s' % (module_name, path)
-            _apache.log_error(s, APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_NOTICE)
-        parts = string.split(module_name, '.')
-        for i in range(len(parts)):
-            f, p, d = imp.find_module(parts[i], path)
-            try:
-                mname = string.join(parts[:i+1], ".")
-                module = imp.load_module(mname, f, p, d)
-            finally:
-                if f: f.close()
-            if hasattr(module, "__path__"):
-                path = module.__path__
-        if mtime == 0:
-            mtime = module_mtime(module)
-        module.__mtime__ = mtime
+    # mbp -- for debugging
+    ##    _apache.log_error("sys.modules is: %s" % sys.modules,
+    ##                      APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_NOTICE)
+    if autoreload:
+        # just check *all* modules, and discard non-system modules if
+        # any have changed
+        check_for_reload(path)
+    # the __import__ function returns the *top-level module*, not the one
+    # we actually asked for.  after importing, we need to walk down to
+    # get the real thing.
+    _notice("import_module %s" % module_name)
+    top_module = __import__(module_name)
+    _notice("import_module %s got top %s" % (module_name, top_module))
+    module = _get_sub_module(top_module, module_name)
+    _notice("import_module for %s returned %s" % (module_name, module))
     return module
 def module_mtime(module):
     """Get modification time of module"""
     mtime = 0
@@ -377,6 +441,8 @@
        class passing the request as single argument
+    _notice("resolve obj %s in %s" % (object_str, module))
     obj = module
     for obj_str in  string.split(object_str, '.'):
@@ -609,6 +675,14 @@
         This function is called by the server at startup time
+    global _original_import, _debug
+    # keep this in case we want it
+    _original_import = __builtin__.__import__
+    _notice("about to hook importer")
+    __builtin__.__import__ = _apache_importer
+    _notice("importer hooked")
+    _debug = 1
     return CallBack()
@@ -618,6 +692,14 @@
 parse_qs = _apache.parse_qs
 parse_qsl = _apache.parse_qsl
+## Keep track of modules already loaded; anything after this is fair game
+## to be reloaded
+# XXX: We perhaps ought to hook reload() as well to make sure it's
+# consistent, but at the moment I think it does no harm to let it
+# default.
 ## Some constants
 HTTP_CONTINUE                     = 100
@@ -708,28 +790,4 @@
 REQ_EXIT = "REQ_EXIT"         

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